Hapless Harry: The Minnesota Muscovy Duck Documentary

Book Publisher: CoyWolf Entertainment™
Author, Photographer, and Illustrator: Lisa Loucks-Christenson
Series: Stories of the Whitewater Valley, Minnesota
Pages:144 pages | color illustrations, sketches, and photos
Formats: e-book, paperback, and hardcover.
ISBN-13: 978-1-970165-05-0 | Hardcover
Price: $32.00 USD
A wildlife documentary recorded in the Whitewater Valley—in The Blufflands of southeast Minnesota. The true story of a Muscovy Duck who followed a unique path into the wild and our hearts.
Hapless Harry, the Minnesota Muscovy Duck, is the diary of a duck’s life, documented with real photos, illustrations, and hand-drawn comics created by the author and based on her unlikely hero.
The true story of a Minnesota Muscovy Duck, this documentary was created as a photo record, diary, sketchbook, and memory of sorts of our time together in the summer of 2009.
In the shadows of the scum-covered pond behind some swamp plants, the moment this author realized it was a Muscovy Duck peeking out, Hapless Harry’s future looked short.
With clipped flight feathers, this extraordinary duck gave rise to the spirits of others, speaking their language, connecting with their hearts, and sharing answers to their every call.
We don’t know how Hapless Harry made it to shore through tributaries, ponds, or streams. But he and this author would not have crossed paths had he traveled in any other direction—or just a few miles further north to the Mississippi River.
During Hapless Harry’s brief visit here on earth, he taught us a lot about the human condition, how friends came in all shapes, sizes, and species. All their adventures are here, as witnessed and recorded through the eyes of a nature journalist covering her daily outdoor beat.
The author hopes this story will continue blessing those who find it, a reason to visit and re-read Hapless Harry: The Minnesota Muscovy Duck Documentary. A duck, who, in retrospect, may not have been such a lost duck after all.
“Finally, a story from nature where the underdog fights and wins a few battles anyway, before their last departure.” Lisa Loucks-Christenson
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